On Location

Zee Zee painting on location in Marin Marsh.

Zee Zee and Bill Mott with Benta and Paul Mullally, invited guests, at the Snow Leopard Trust 25th Anniversary Celebration.

In the field with the BayWood Artists: Zenaida was a founder of the BayWood Artists, the first group of Northern California professional artists solely dedicated to helping preserve open space and restoring habitat for future generations.

David Brower on a visit with some of the BayWood Artists.

After a day of painting with artist buddies at the Northwest Rendezvous–left to right, Carol Cooke, Bill Angresano, Zenaida Mott, a guest, Ned Mueller, Paul Mullally and Jeff Horn.

The Vikingsholm Painting Exhibit and Auction was an event organized by Wayne Howard of calpaintings.com and sponsored by the California State Park Foundation at Vikingsholm State Park on the shores of Lake Tahoe. Money from ther sales went towards restoring the Vikingsholm Castle. The group pictured left to right: Charles Muench, Zenaida Mott, Armand Cabrera, Charles Waldman, and Cynthia Britain. Photo courtesy of Charles Muench.

“The Girls” – Fellow artists at the “Ranches and Rolling Hills” Exhibit for the Marin Agricultural Land Trust (M.A.L.T.), Nicasio, California.

With author Roberta Grant, about to paint at the lip of Victoria Falls, a breathtaking location and part of a five week painting safari to Zambia and Botswana.

In February, 2004, the popular California TV program “Bay Area Back Roads” hosted by Doug McConnell featured the “BayWood Artists,” a group of Northern California professional painters. Zenaida was a founder and this shot was taken on location during the filming with Doug McConnell.

The Masai in this group were our guides and guards in these mountains, watching over the artist while painting.

New friends admiring the finished painting.

Painting waterfowl at the beautiful International Heritage Site, Bolinas Lagoon, California, for a BayWood Artist Exhibit.

Putting the finishing touches on a painting before the sale at the Huntington Museum and Gardens paint-out, Pasadena, California.
“Beauty is all around us, and I can always find more to paint than time permits.”